
Day 7

As of midnight tonight, I will have been on my health extravaganza for one whole week! Somebody get some noise makers!!! Wooooo!
I'll wait until tomorrow to tell you exact numbers, but I will tell you this much: I have definitely got a good jump start on my weight loss goal. My energy has also gone up. I'm sleeping better. I'm happier. Most importantly, I have hope. Recently, I had lost pretty much all hope. I was in a very dark place in my life. It's amazing how much has changed in just one week, and folks, it's going to get even better! I just know it.
One thing that I'm really looking forward to is less back pain. Looking at a side view of me, it's not very difficult to understand why my back would be under a lot of unnecessary stress. My spine did not sign up for this job. It is over worked and under paid and has been groaning about that for a couple of years now. This complaining has been getting more and more constant. I don't know that I will ever be completely free of back pain, but I know it can get better by lessening the load on the front and strengthening my core muscles.
Alright, so I'm putting another healthy recipe on here, but the thing is, I don't know if anyone reading is truly interested in healthy recipe ideas, so I'm putting up a poll. Please take two seconds to vote and give me your anonymous input as I attempt to shape this blog. I'm still feeling my way around a bit, and I would love to hear from you guys with suggestions of what you want more of and what I need to stop right now before you feel the need to threaten me with violence.
So, anyways, this is a recipe I just BS'd for chicken soft tacos:
First get about 1/3 cup of cooked and shredded chicken breast, put on a reduced fat whole wheat tortilla and sprinkle with about 1/8 cup of cheese and nuke for 30 seconds.
Then chop up one good size romaine lettuce leaf, and about 1/4-1/3 cup each of onion and green pepper. Add all veggies to chicken.

Top with a couple tablespoons of your favorite salsa and then roll up. I folded mine at first for its glamor shot, with all its veggie goodness spilling out, but I quickly learned that was a stupid way to try and eat it. Unless you're into stupid. In which case, knock yourself out, you dumb rebel, you. But for everyone else, just roll 'er up the first go.
This recipe is great because it is absolutely packed with Vitamin A, protein, and some very healthy carbs. It also comes in at around 400 calories and 9 grams of fat, which really ain't too shabby.

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