
Day 12

A'ight, I am pretty sore. It's not as bad now, but this morning... woo doggy.
So, I got up this morning, shoveled and then went to the gym. We did the usual: warm up on treadmills, circuit, thigh and butt machines, and a cool down on the ellipticals. But we also added in some ab work. And our warm up on the treadmill consisted of us curiously choosing an option labeled "5 Minute Fitness Test" on the machines. It took our age, weight, and sex info and administered a "test" that consisted of 5 minutes at a chosen speed, with 4 of those minutes at a 5% incline. Then it took our heart rates and told us how we rate. I scored "Average".

I was actually pretty excited about this. Why celebrate mediocrity, you ask? Because, dangit, I'm barely starting up from my rock bottom. If my rock bottom is even close to "average", then I've got more potential than I thought to be healthy. It also means that my heart is pretty healthy, which means I don't have to stress as much about over working it.
Anyways, they had the temperature up higher than normal in the gym and I was disgusting. It doesn't take a ton to get me sweating, but put me in a sauna like atmosphere and tell me to pump iron and I will guarantee you that you will get impressive sweat results. Then I came home and I literally let out a loud groan and had to brace myself before going up the stairs. My thighs and butt were spent. This is a good thing, because that means I'm building serious muscle, but in the mean time, I would sure like one of those old people chairs that glide them up the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. Steph! Michael made me do some p90x with him, and ugh! I wanted an old people chair to use going down our stairs! (Plyometrics is a beast) and you know our stairs. I'd get down about three and have to grab the handrail so I didn't plummet forward and take out a few teeth. Not looking forward to the leg workout which will make going up stairs painful. And that's the only way into and out of my house dangit.
