
Bring It On

Alright, I guess I should introduce myself. I am Steph and I am voluptuously chubby. Alright, well, truth be told I passed the chubby road marker at least 50 lbs ago. 
I am obese. But not for long.
Starting tomorrow morning, I will be beginning a new phase of my life: The Healthy Phase. The goal is to make that phase last until the next phase: Death. No rush on that phase. 
Day 0
I have been overweight for the majority of my 22 years. I lost weight for a short time as a teen, but this time I have got a different goal. Back then there was less weight to lose and I was doing it solely to look good. This time I'm doing this to feel good and to be healthy. And, well, I'm not going to BS ya, I want to look dang sexy, too.
So, I made the decision to lose weight and I signed up for an online food diary thing, and I came up with a work out plan. The next step was to set a reasonable and realistic goal weight, which I did. Then I had to do what I've been avoiding for months: Step on the scale. It turns out I had very good reason to fear that beast. I looked down at the scale and had the sudden horrific realization that I had EXACTLY one hundred pounds to lose. I got slightly depressed, and then intimidated for a second, then nervous. But then I squared my shoulders, flashed a Clint Eastwood worthy smirk and uttered the words that sent a thrill of fear through every gram of fat in my curvy body:

Bring it on.

Blurry side shot. But you get the
unfortunate idea.
Now, you might very well be wondering why I would choose to share this potentially embarrassing endeavor with the blog-reading universe. The answer is that I want to be held accountable. I want the pressure. I also need encouragement. This is one big, fat (pun intended) undertaking and I could use some cheerleaders along the way. It is also my hope that after I have made progress, others will analyze their own lives and realize that nothing is unattainable. I plan on sharing just about everything along this journey. I'm certain there will be a great many ups and downs. It will not be completely constant progress and giggles. Pain and struggles will come as well. But to them I once more say:



  1. Dear Stephanie,
    You are one of the most incredible people I've ever met. Good luck and if you need any support or a work out buddy I'm here for you! I know what it's like. Last year I made the same goal-to get healthy and loose weight. It was a challenge but I can say I successively say I lost over 30 pounds. Good luck and know I'm here if you need anything I'm just a text away!

  2. Wow Steph - you keep this up and you'll inspire me to do something about my extra poundage.....and I'm closer to death than you are. Keep it it, I'll be watching!

  3. Go Stephanie! I am way impressed with your resolution - good luck with the journey!

  4. You are doing an amazing thing. It's so easy to say you are going to do something then keep it on the down low and never really do anything. You are AMAZING! Let me know if i can help in anyway!


  5. I support you girl! "he will regret his ways when he see's you even sexier 100 pounds lighter." I just love ya! Good luck and I await to hear your wonderful progress stories :) plus I'm studying to be a dietician so I'm practically a pro...ha not, but I still want to hear what kind of diet you are eating.
