
Day 1

And I'm off!
First off, I need to thank everyone who is being so supportive. I'm truly humbled, you guys are amazing.
Okay, so, wow, day 1.
It kicked my bootay.
I started things off with a light breakfast and then a 50 minute aerobic dance workout video lead by some hyper, hip-less, blonde chick and her two cronies. I'm going to need to do some serious stretching tonight before bed to make sure that I'm not too sore to do weight lifting tomorrow. I found this "Candlelight Yoga" thing on Netflix and tried it last night. All the reviews touted it as, "super relaxing!" and "perfect for right before bed!" When it first started out there was soothing music and a lot of sitting cross legged and focusing on your breathing. Just when I was thinking that this really was relaxing, and maybe yoga wouldn't be so bad, she started telling me to bend in half. They had a girl sitting on towels and crap to show a modified version for people with "tight hips" (wth?) but there was no "fat girl" modification. I had the feeling that I was the first obese person to ever try yoga, either that or they hate us. I consider my hips quite loose, but there was no way I could hold some of those poses AND breathe. I had to stop for a second halfway through when the Brian Regan thing on yoga popped into my head and I busted up laughing. (I think the video for it was put together by a six year old who discovered MS Paint, but it was the only one I could find, so just close your eyes and listen.) 
A plate full of broccoli and a couple of
 sodium sticks
Anyways, back to Day 1. After I finished my workout and got showered, I decided to make myself some lunch. I found some crunchy breaded fish fillets that you bake. I thought the "crunch" part might fool my mind into thinking it was eating something less healthy. So I had a serving of those and then a butt load of broccoli. The fish was really delicious, but I think that was what did my sodium in for the day. The online food diary analyzes each food completely and tells you how much more or less of everything you need for the day. I don't know what they rolled those fish in, but it must have been 5,000% sodium, because the online diary was suddenly the sodium nazi for the rest of the day. I never really realized how many foods have sodium. I had some light veggie soup and whole wheat toast for dinner. I can tell you right now, those sugar free snack pack puddings are about to become my crack cocaine. Friggin' delicious.
I was surprised to already notice a drop in energy and increase in irritability today. Both of which are no bueno when you work at an elementary school. But the site recommended that I eat a bigger breakfast, so tomorrow I'm going to try that. 
Bottom line: One Day in and I am still alive and fightin'!

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