
Day 3

To start off, I would like to show you this:

It doesn't really fit into my post at all, but I'm fairly certain it's one of the sweetest things I've seen ever, mainly because of the amount of time that this obviously loving dad spends with his daughter to teach her the song. LOVE it.
As Monty Python would say, "And now for something completely different."
So, I've been getting some questions about what the diet that I'm on is, exactly, so I'm going to explain that a bit now. I've been going off of MyFoodDiary.com. You start by telling it information about your current age and weight and stuff. Then you have to enter in everything you eat and your exercise for each day into it. It will respond by telling you how many calories you should be eating to lose weight at a healthy pace, as well as how many calories it would take to just maintain your weight. It also analyzes all aspects of how healthy your diet is. It tells me if I'm eating too much sodium, or saturated fats, or if I'm too low on specific vitamins. It also strongly encourages me to reach the minimum healthy amount of calories. That number increases based on how much you exercise. Basically it's like a super intense and precise food pyramid just for you. Instead of just letting you get away with empty calories, like a traditional "diet" would, this calls you out on it and helps you to be as healthy as possible. It does take some discipline, but I've been liking it so far. So, now you know.
Shelayna and I looking ever so attractive
right after our hour at the gym
Last night, after my last post, I got a text from my good friend, and fellow blogger, Shelayna (http://shelblogs.blogspot.com/). She was super excited to tell me that she's just read my blog and that she's been begging for a gym buddy for months now because her gym membership allows her to bring a guest with her every time. So, we decided to go to the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, starting this morning. There's a whole story that goes along with that, but I'm going to be doing a guest post on her blog soon where I plan to jabber on all about that story, so keep an eye out and I'll be sure o link you to it when it gets posted.
OH! Let me just say that I got talked into baking cookies for a church activity tomorrow. Talk about a test! But I'm tough! I won't give in! Shelayna and her awesome roommate Teresa were fantastic enough to invite me over for a delicious dinner tonight. Chicken on flat-bread. Yum! Teresa also made some amazing looking red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I felt so bad turning them down, especially because I seriously normally would have eaten at least half the batch because red velvet with cream cheese is my kryptonite, but I did actually turn it down. However, once I reach my goal weight and have more leeway on calories, I'm going to be hitting up their place for a couple batches of those red, delectable, morsels of awesomeness. And that's a promise.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha Steph you are my hero for turning down such a delicious hand crafted red velvet cupcake!! Im glad you came over!! :)
