
Day 11

So, I have been having kind of a rough time getting my workout done at home. There's a long ranting story there, but I won't get into it right now. The point is that Shelayna and I have decided to go to the gym more often. We're going to keep on doing the circuit 3 days a week, but now we're going to add in 2-3 days of cardio and ab work. This should also help us to stick closer to an hour at the gym, rather than the 2 hours we've been more inclined to as we just try to squeeze in more and more that we feel we need to do. Shelayna has also been tossing around the word "5K". She's ambitious, that one is. She said it will, "Give us something to work towards." I told her that if she read my blog, like she claimed she did, she would know that it kinda already revolves around something I'm working towards, namely losing 100 pounds. She then mentioned something along the lines of desiring something closer and more tangible to work towards with our gym work. I then gave her a look that said, "I got my honky-tonk badonkadonk out of bed to come to the gym. What else do you want from me?!?" She gave me a look that clearly stated, "You really suck sometimes. I mean seriously." That's when I told her to talk to me in about a month and I may reconsider. So. We'll see.
This leads me into my next item of discussion. Tuesday night Shelayna and I got super ambitious at the gym. We spent a couple hours there. I calculated it on my diet site when I got home and we easily burned off over 1,000 calories. So we decided that we needed a cool down on the treadmills. Most of the cardio machines there take your heart rate when you hold onto the handlebars, so we decided that we'd leave when ours were below 110. Shelayna was struggling to relax, so I started to talk her through a mental exercise to bring your heart rate down. She also got into her own little happy place at the same time. She closed her eyes and put her fingers to the pulse in her neck. Then, with a very tranquil expression on her face, she stopped walking. Apparently, her happy place was somewhere stationary, but that treadmill was still gliding along. I stared in horror with no clue as to what I should say to alert her. I could form no words for what was happening. I just got out something like, "OhmigoshohmigoshOHMYGOsshhhhh" as I flung my arm out and grabbed at her. Right at the last possible nanosecond she opened her eyes and lurched back onto the safety of the machine. Folks, I could NOT stop laughing. I was fairly certain I was about to witness the likes of this:

Alright, the poll isn't closed yet, but thus far it looks like those who care enough to vote feel passionately about me posting recipes for ya'll. It's been a few days since I've posted a recipe. I was going to take the lazy route tonight and just have soup for dinner, but then I thought of you devoted twelve voters, and I put the can back on the shelf and looked around the pantry for healthy inspiration. And then, I found it: a can of low fat refried beans. Hey, don't you make that face at me! Stay with me on this one. They're not bad when you do it right. Also, they are high in fiber (duh) and protein, but low on calories. In short, they are filling but won't limit you on fat or calories. Excellent. So, here's what I did:

Steph's Loco Gringo Take On Huevos Rancheros

First I took a whole wheat tortilla and slathered on 1/2 cup of refried beans. Then I put 1/3 cup of canned corn on top of that. After sprinkling 1/8 cup of cheese on there I set it aside.

I then prepared 1/2 cup of Egg Beaters with some chili and cayenne powders, as well as salt n' peppa.When eggs are almost done, I nuked the tortilla and it's current toppings for about 50 seconds. Then I put the egg on top.

I also added a chopped 1/4 cup each of green bell pepper, onion, and tomato. I topped that with 1/2 cup chopped romaine lettuce and finished it off with some salsa. It might just be because I was ready to eat my own shoe leather tonight, but this recipe tasted pretty darn good. And I do think it'd taste much better than simply "edible" even if I wasn't starved. Best part is that it filled me up.

Big day tomorrow. Taking the after school club kids on a much anticipated field trip to go bowling. The activities list on my diet site is pretty extensive. I'm going to have to check and see if it has, "chasing small children while carrying bowling ball."

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