
Day 81

Calories burned at gym this morning: 523

I don't even care that it's not Valentine's Day. That video makes any day an exceptionally awesome day.

Alright, I have a dilemma.

Every woman has heard of the different body types. On the off chance that anyone has not been educated in the finer points of womenliness, I will provide a visual aid.

There are different tips for dressing to flatter each body type, so as to accentuate the positives. Since becoming conscious of fashion and dressing for form as well as function, I have traded off between being round and an apple. I have a wardrobe filled with my attempts at disguising my waistline. I just expected that I would lose weight evenly. 

I was very, very wrong.

The inches lost on my arms, chest, hips, butt, and legs, hovers between 0"-2". 

The weight lost off of my waist is closer to 7" or 8". 

This means that I am now the proud owner of a new body shape: The Hourglass.

Well, at least I would be proud, if I could figure out what the heck to do with it. I do not own clothing that flatters this shape. Since I bought most of my clothing with the specific purpose of hoping to draw attention to anything but my waist, it is still doing it's job. The problem is that it is now disguising what I like to call "success". 

I hesitate to make any new purchases while my body is still changing so much. So, I guess that everyone will just have to believe me for now when I say that my waist is close to ten inches smaller than my hips and chest. It's under these clothes, somewhere. And it is hot. Just ignore the slacker parts of my body that think they are fine where they are right now. They've got to come around eventually.

There is certainly a giant, neon, silver lining to be claimed here. One of my main goals when I set out was to greatly increase my heart health. According to several articles, waist size is a great indicator of heart health. With that in mind, I was eager to lower my over-all body weight, with the hopes that eventually my waist would gradually shrink to the healthy size. The fact that my waist is shrinking so fast, seems to point to my heart health increasing, and this pleases me.

All in all, I will take lost weight from wherever it wants to fall off.

Being fashionable will just have to wait.

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