
Day 65

Calories burned running 5K today: 549

So, today I went to the gym, just planning on doing the normal stuff. Then I hopped on the treadmill and started along. I warmed up walking at 3.5 for 2 minutes before starting into a slow jog at 4.4. Somewhere around the 5 minute mark, I had a wild thought. I've been really improving on my running lately. I bet I could run a 5K right now.

At the 6 minute mark I kicked it up to 5 mph and set my sights on a distance of 3.2 miles. After awhile of that, I decided that the numbers weren't ticking by fast enough, so I nudged it up to 5.5. Amazingly, my heart did not have a tantrum at any point during this experience. The same could not be said, however, for my legs. Around mile 2.5 they began a very adamant protest of my vicious treatment of them. Around mile 2.7 they pulled out picket signs and started a vulgar chant. At about mile 2.9 they began wailing. If they had teeth, they would have been gnashing them, I'm sure of it. Then, right after mile 3, parts of them just kind of went numb.

Right when the distance hit 3.2, I slammed on the stop button, pulled out my ipod, and took a video of the readings on the treadmill, because it won't let me just take a picture.

If I could figure out how to get that video off of my ipod and onto this blog, it would show you that I completed my very first 5K in 39:14.

Is this the most impressive PR ever recorded by someone on a treadmill at a 0% incline? Not hardly. Were there a bunch of people watching and cheering when I crossed the finish line? Thankfully, not in the gym.

But, is it something that a girl who is technically obese and just recently took up running can be happy about? You betcha.

Most of all, I am happy because the girl that I was 2 months ago could not have ran like that to save her own life:

And yet, in a way, she just did.


  1. Yeah Stephanie! Congrats on reaching yet another milestone! I love reading about your experiences and hope you know you are inspiring me! In a few months you will blow yourself away when you run that 5K again and your legs are just getting started. :) Good luck with the rest of your journey.

  2. You are so hot...particularly in that jacket.

  3. So so so so so so proud of you! Awesome job. You've always deserved the best. Cheering you on from Idaho!

  4. Thank you so much, guys! I really can't emphasize enough how much all of your support means to me.

    Spencer, I totally believe you. After seeing you play Jump the River, I'd put money on you winning a race against me anytime in the near future. :-)
