
Day 75

Calories burned at the gym this morning: 425

Knowing that today was a random day off from work, I was just planning on chilling for most of the day. I went to bed at midnight and set my alarm for 7 in the morning. My newly sped up metabolism had very different plans for me. At a little before 5 this morning, I was sitting up in bed wide awake. There was no chance on earth of me going back to sleep. So, I hopped out of bed and made my way to the gym.

After the gym I came home and did my homework. After that I still had time to fiddle around for a bit before my 10:30 class. Class got out early. I'd made plans to meet up with my co-worker, Amy, to go to the temple. We called the temple and made an appointment for 1:15, and then hung out at her place having an awesome chat for a couple hours, before going to the temple. The temple was, of course, amazing. I always leave there feeling better than when I stepped in.

Then Amy and I made a trip to Subway to split a foot-long turkey sandwich. On the way there, I returned a call from my credit card company and found out that some. . . nice person . . . has stolen my credit card information and was trying to purchase plane tickets. I was told that the easiest thing to do was just to cancel my card and get a new one. This did not please me. On the upside, my bank does watch out for this stuff for me. Although, with how much plane tickets cost, I would have noticed on my own pretty quick. 

After that was all figured out, we had our lunch and talked some more. Amy is truly an incredible person. She and I have strikingly similar pasts. Not to mention that both of us are pretty hot.

Just sayin'.

Now I've just finished making plans to get together with several other co-workers tonight and do something that will make the jaws of all the children we work with drop to the floor. 

We are going to the Justin Bieber movie.

It needs to be said, that I never had any plans to see this movie. Until now, my only exposure to Bieber can be summed up in four events.

1) The first time I heard him on the radio, I honestly thought it was Rhianna. My mistake.

2) I was shown this video:

And this one:

I must admit that I immediately pinned him as a gifted child.

3) Some of the kids I work with have put every detail from this kid's life to memory. They informed me that he weighs 90 something pounds and is 5'5". I then became genuinely concerned for the wee lad. I should offer him a donation of some weight. He's just got to be so cold all the time.

4) The clip from The Office that I posted previously.

That about sums up the interaction I've had with him. We shall see if tonight is the night I am converted to Biebertology.

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