
Day 71

Calories burned running this morning: 348

Another week, another weigh-in! This week I have lost 3 pounds! This puts me at a net loss of 34 pounds since January 3rd. 66 pounds left to goal. 16 pounds until I have my halfway party. I just decided that right this minute. It's going to happen, though.

So, after my last run outside 4 days ago, my left leg was pretty sore right around my knee. I've been going easy on it since then. However, today I was feeling pretty good and the only thing aching was my need to run. So I laced up my Asics and tried to pace myself as I pounded the pavement. It started raining on me. That was actually really cool. I probably looked like a moron running in the rain, blowing breath clouds out of my smiling mouth. It was all made better when a long forgotten song shuffled into play on my iPod.

Quick tangent: That song reminds me of what is easily the most epic music video of all time. It even has it's own end credits. After how shoddy that last music video was, I felt compelled to make up for it by posting undiluted awesomeness.

End tangent.

Back to my run.

By the time I got home from my run, I was feeling awesome. Then I stopped running. Immediately I felt a pain in my leg so intense that I fell against the wall, actually gasping and had tears streaming down my face. Although I really wanted to just lay down and never get up again, I treated this injury much like my mom raised me to treat every injury. Take some ibuprofen, walk it off, stretch it out until you scream in pain, and then repeat until you either pass out or start bleeding. Fortunately, this actually worked out pretty well, without having to resort to bleeding or loss of consciousness. I got to the point where I could walk on it. Later on at work, however, some of the pain resurfaced.

Sadly, I'm going to have to say that this means there is no 5K in my immediate future.

I can't even describe to you how frustrating that is. Admittedly, most of my tears today were not because of the pain, but because I finally found something that is super good for me that I was beginning to enjoy and do pretty well with, and now I have to back off from it, just when I feel like I was really building momentum.

Don't you fret, though, I'm still going to be doing some intense low-impact workouts on ellipticals and such. Hopefully, after some more work, I'll be able to make my official racing debut. Until then, stay with me friends.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find someone to hug me and then listen to happy music for awhile.


  1. Secretly Im glad you have an injury.. yes im awful but hear me out.. I've had mine since september and we've been workout buddies since Jan.. so Its kinda nice that you wont out do me! Hahahah Yes Im that selfish. However I still love you. :) Lets get better together!!

  2. I know how you feel Steph, I inured my leg running on Thursday. I've waited all winter to go outside and run and now I can't. :( But that's ok, life goes on, injuries heal and its all for our own good...in some way...anyway, feel better! I love you and if there is ANYTHING that you need let me know. :)

  3. I understand too. I did track in high school and always felt great. Then, when I graduated and was no longer in practice, I stopped running. I got going again with a group a friends and was all stoked to raise my endurance again only to be doubled over in pain every now and again. I don't know what it is, it's worse than menstrual cramps and I literally have to lie down on the side of the road. Sometimes our bodies can be frustrating, but we have to remember they are a great gift and do the best to overcome every obstacle they present. Jake showed me your blog when you started and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I think you are doing a great job and good luck! (By the way this is Ashley)
