
Day 66

I haven't been to the gym today... yet.

I'm actually not aching as much as I anticipated. So, I'm thinking that by the time May comes around, I'm still going to plan on doing a 5K, but I'm going to also try for a 10K. I mean, heck, why not?

My brother is a certified computer geek. He is certified because he was recently awarded the Sterling Scholar for Computer Science at his high school. He set up the wireless networking in our home when he was 12. This means that it is a rare occasion that I end up on the line with tech support. Today happened to be one of those special days. We have just obtained a new internet modem box - - thing. I plugged everything in. My internet still wasn't working. So I went back and poked the box and jiggled the cables. This caused a screen to pop up on my browser telling me to authenticate or something through Comcast. I found the trillion digit membership number. I typed it in where it told me to. And then it took me to the next step, where I just hit the only button available on the screen, titled, "Next". At this point it thought really hard for a minute before taking me back to Step 1. After repeating this process several times, my brother came home for lunch. He then ran into the same problem on his computer as I did on mine. We decided the simplest thing to do would be to call tech support and have them register it for us. That went something like this:

Tech support: mumble mumble mumble Comcast. This is mumble mumble you today?
Me: Err, hey there. I got a new box, and plugged it in. The lights are on, but nothing is going the way it is supposed to, and everything is bad.
TS: Okay, well let me just authorize you on the account. What are the last four digits of Steve's social security number?
Me: That's my dad... I'm authorized on the account, though, if you'll scroll down on your page you'll see my name, Stephanie... Right there... Middle of your screen....
TS: I still need the last four digits of his social for verification.
Me: Long pause I have no earthly idea.
TS: Okaaaay Heavy sigh You could use the last 4 digits of your account number.
Me: Oo oo, I totally have that! Says number
TS: Alright, now just hold for one moment while I see what I can do.
Creepy hold music cutting in and out for approximately 5 years
TS: Well, it registered fine on here. Why don't you restart your computer.
Me: Erm, okay. (Aside to Brandon) He wants us to restart the computer.
Brandon: Um, did you ask him why?
Me: I am in no position to question tech support. Here, take the phone and make a friend.
Brandon: No. You know I hate talking on the phone.
TS: Did you restart your computer?
Me: (To Brandon) He wants to know if we restarted the computer.
Brandon: Rolls eyes Yes. We did.
Me: I don't know much about computers, but I'm pretty sure you didn't re...
Brandon: That's not important. He's just burning time while he tries to get crap together on his end.
Me: Um, Yes. We did indeed restart the computer. wince
Long silence while I watch Brandon work his magic on his computer
TS: So, what operating system do you use?
Me: INXS? No, wait, that's a band. Ummm, XP.... maybe.
TS: Okay.
Brandon: Did he seriously just ask you about your operating system?
Me: Nods
Brandon: This guy has no clue.
TS: Okay, now I need you to by-pass your router.
Me: Alright, one sec. (To Brandon) He's asking me to do things and I don't know what he's talking about.
Brandon: Just say no. Or tell him we already did it.
Me: Should I just hang up, then?
Brandon: No. That would be rude. You should keep him on the phone for a very, very long time. Pulls up the internet that he just got working on his computer
TS: Well, if that doesn't work I might just have to send out a technician to...
Me: Oh, well, would you look at that! Everything is working and perfect again!
TS: Er, what? I... um... okay, thank you for choosing Comcast...
Me: Thank you kind sir, have a splendid day!

My brother.

My friend.

My favorite geek.

Heaven help me when one day we live in different states and I have a computer problem.


  1. That totally made my day. People at tech centers really have no idea beyond the basics. I'm glad you have a bro who knows what's what!

  2. Lol, love it! My grandpa is my computer geek and sadly he does live in a different state. But that's ok, he just gets a lot of phone calls.

  3. I actually got great help from Comcast the only time I've ever called... The guy authenticated my internet, saved me $50, wasted no more than 2 minutes with me, and was happier than a chocoholic in a Hershey factory. The local people, on the other hand, have never given me more than cold stares, icy glares, and bills.
