
Day 68

Okay. It is 3:00am and I'm going to go ahead and count this as Friday's post because my day is just barely ending.

I met up with Shelayna and a friend from church today to learn some of the finer points of blogging from Shelayna. Mainly, I just wanted a cool button that other people can post on their blogs and link to me. What I learned was that:

1) I am inept with the Paint program.
2) I am inept with HTM-what-the-L. It turns out that it is necessary to know some HTML to make a dainty little button.

In the end, I ran out of time and had to leave. Shelayna kindly told me that we would need to get together a few more times to really get me going here. For right now, I have the button model 1.0 on the right that you can feel free to link from your own blog, if you are so amazingly inclined. I am responsible for the input, "I think a girl stick figure would be cute". That's about all of my idea that has come to fruition thus far, due to my inability to portray on the computer what is in my head. The current image may or may not have been ripped off of a more talented stick-figurer. I'm working on developing my own.

 Not surprisingly, I left our meeting feeling kind of downtrodden. This was remedied by a field trip to a local geology display thing with the kids I work with. While I am fairly certain that I will be muttering the phrases, "Just keep your hands in your pockets" and "Please, don't touch that" in my sleep tonight, those kids are just hilarious and they loved it. I would even say that, in many of their minds, seeing the inside of dinosaur bones and what copper looks like before it becomes a penny rates a close second to dodge-ball. I can hear the collective gasp of my co-workers as they read that incredibly bold statement. They understand that dodge-ball is the golden calf of our elementary school.

After a quick trip home to shower and change into my sweats, I went to my stellar friend Tasha's house to meet up with her and my awesome(ly pregnant) friend, Vikki for dinner. Tasha made a really delicious broth based beef and veggie soup. We then sat around talking until I came home and started typing this post. I really love my friends. A good talk with them puts my feet on the ground and my head on straight.

One last, quick side note. Ever since I typed that first sentence, I've been humming this song to myself:

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