
Day 44

Calories burned kick-boxing today (Indeed, that does say kick-boxing. I plan on going into more detail some other time. Too tired tonight.): 502

I love my job.

 I work at an elementary school and help kids out after school. I spend an hour helping kindergarteners with their homework, and then the rest of the time with all ages of kids doing fun activities. Due to some laws, I'm not allowed to tell you any specifics, however, I will say that some days are like this:

While other days are like this:

While I've never gone all Schwarzenegger on any of the kids, there have most certainly been moments when I have to put myself in time out to take 2, or 3, or 50 deep breaths before I open my mouth again to the kids.

That being said, it is by far my favorite job that I have ever had in my life. I live for those Julie Andrews moments when the young'ns are doing what they are supposed to be doing, or at least really trying. For every time that I have to take a few deep breaths to cool down the fire in my head, there are fifty times when I have to take a moment to make sure I'm not laughing as I try to discipline and correct them. I honestly look forward to going to work 99% of the time.

In talking about how much I love my work, I cannot over-state how much of that is because of my stellar co-workers. I work with a bunch of amazing, kind, talented people that make me laugh every single day. Okay, so making me laugh is not the most difficult challenge posed to anyone, but still! They are some awesome dudes and dudettes. They feel like a group of friends that I would choose to hang out with, even if I wasn't forced to see them every day. We have a 5 day weekend coming up, and as stupid as it sounds, I'm not looking forward to it. Well, okay, I'm looking forward to afternoon naps and finishing some projects that have been begging for my attention since Christmas, but I am honestly going to miss my friends at work, not to mention the kids.

So, my incredible co-workers (friends), this one goes out to you guys. Sorry to get all cornball on you, but thanks for making my life so much more stellar than it would be working somewhere else.

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