
Day 36

Calories burned at the gym today: 689

Weigh-in was today. Not good. I'm up a pound from last week. But, I do think that days that are a bit more "free" are important, so holidays will still be days where I eat what I would like to without counting calories, but still watching my portion sizes. I'm not terribly worried about the pound weight gain. Today was a big picture day for me. Overall, I'm still winning this fight.

Random side note: I want to get into some kind of martial art. I'm thinking I'm going to try and fit that in this summer. I've always thought it would be awesome, now I'm not really sure what's been stopping me all this time.

I beat Shelayna to the gym today and decided to jog on the treadmill while I waited for her. I was about 10 minutes in when a not terrible looking guy with a very Scottish hairline (aka widows peak) hopped on the machine next to mine. I didn't take a lot of notice of him, until a few minutes into his run he started clapping his hands. I kind of chuckled to myself and wrote it off as his way of getting himself psyched up. Then he went into a full out drum solo on the top of his treadmill. The solo, intermixed with clapping, continued on for a solid minute or so before it faded out. Then he would just randomly pound on his treadmill or slap his hands together every minute or so. I was so close to saying, "So, new method there, buddy? How's that working out for ya?" However, I ended up remaining silent out of fear for his mental stability. The second Shelayna walked through the doors of the gym, I slammed on the stop button on my treadmill, gave it a quick wipe down, and made my way to the H***'* Gazelles, which were farther away from the little drummer boy. Shelayna was bummed that she had missed the action, and I don't think she believed me at first. I made her listen quietly for a few moments until he did his thing again. There just aren't words to describe some levels of odd.

The most important thing that happened today was my having a day off of work so that I could shop around town for a new pair of running shoes. You'll recall that my old pair have been wicked mean to my feet. I hit up every major store in town that I could think of that has running shoes. I set my budget at under $50, but I really wanted a good pair that will last me awhile and be kind to my feet. There are several decent sales going on right now, but by far the best was at Big 5. I ended up finding a great pair of $80 Asics that I scored for $20. They seem to fit me really well, so I'm excited to try them out.

And now for the fun part: wearing holes in these babies.

Shelayna brought a post from the ever inspiring Ben's blog to my attention. It gave me a good giggle today. I'm struggling to embed it on my site, so you can go visit Ben here.

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