
Day 137

Kelsey and I just ran 4 miles. I set the pace a little faster than usual, so we finished in 49 minutes, which comes to just over 12 minutes/ mile or 4.9 mph. That is a new high score! (Imagine that last part said in a deep, old school video game announcer voice.) Woo-hoo!

I used my new fancy duct tape. That might be what gave me the little extra boost this morning. I mean, really. Just take a gander at how happy my feet are.

This is definitely an upgrade form the standard, industrial tape I've used thus far.

Just an FYI, that some may consider TMI: I use the duct tape to prevent sores on the bottoms of my feet, but I have to tape all the way around because my feet sweat on long runs, and then the tape slips. The method pictured above has worked awesomely.

Last day of work today. There is very little happiness to be found in that statement. However, today we're taking a field trip to a place with skating, bowling, and a stupendous indoor playground. So, that's cool.

Kayla is heading back home after work today, which is also sad.

I suck at goodbyes, even the ones that aren't permanent.

I much prefer, "Hasta luego."

I think that's what I'll stick with today.

Oh! I and I just realized that I didn't give a weigh-in for this week. My bad, sorry to anyone who noticed. So, here it is: I have lost a total of 48 pounds now.



  1. Hasta Luego is my very favorite goodbye.. thats why I use it so much!!! Sometimes I just use "hasta" Short. Effective. Lovely.

    Awesome Purple Tape! you rock.

  2. Um, I think you need to get some new shoes, my dear. You shouldn't have to be taping your feet up like that...

    You're doing great with the running!

  3. Emily, I already got new shoes! For right now, duct tape is cheaper, haha.
