
Day 122

Ended up doing a 2 mile run on my own today.

It was all cool and going well. I was in my happy running place in my mind. Then I came up to a long row of thick bushes. Right as I got to one end of the bush property, there was a huge commotion at the other end of the bushes. I came to a quick stop and yanked out my headphones, right as four beasts came barreling out of the foliage.

That's right, I was almost killed by some mule deer. Not that they even thought about attacking me. I just may have wet myself a little and almost suffered a heart attack. I always forget how big mule deer are until I find myself close to them. The first three just sprinted across the street and on their way. The last one stopped on the sidewalk and turned its head towards me. We made eye contact and stood there like that for a few moments. After we had our special little moment, my new deer buddy continued on, and so did I.

It got me thinking, though, and now one of my top requests for my upcoming birthday is a small can of pepper spray.

Deer, crazed dog, or rapist, ain't nothin' going to mess with me when I'm running.


  1. LOVED my little key chain pepper spray that I took to Mexico and carried around every day. Until of course the one time I actually needed it, I had it stowed safely in my backpack...on my back. What a dork I was! Still, it helped me feel safe.

  2. Haha, that sounds like something I would do. Ya, it's really more of a psychological thing.

  3. My karate moves help me feel safe...ai-yah! Jk, I'm not prepared enough for a stick situation yet. I'll hold off on that until I have atleast my blue belt. :)
