
Day 136

It's Kayla's last night at my place, and we were going to party, but work left us both exhausted, and it's not exactly the right weather for a picnic. On the way home we decided that our idea of a party tonight would involve having some soup and introducing her to the doctor. What's that you asked? Doctor Who? Precisely.

I decided to introduce her to my favorite reincarnation of The Doctor, David Tennant. Like myself, Kayla is a big fan of Buffy. So, imagine my surprise when she declared that Doctor Who is too creepy. Still, she sat through a few episodes before calling it quits. After the first one creeped her out so much, I tried to stick to ones that were more tame. Unfortunately, that meant that I couldn't show her my favorite episode. Here's a clip from it:

I thought that the concept and episode were kind of ridiculous until about halfway through, at which point I had my blanket pulled up to my chin and I had stopped not only blinking, but also breathing. It is easily one of the most intense things that I've ever watched.

So, I steered clear of that episode with Kayla. However, now she is safely tucked in bed in the other room.

I just can't stay away from that episode.

Guess who's planning on having nightmares tonight.

Hopefully not too vivid, though. I need sleep and for the rain to stop between 9 and 10am tomorrow morning. Kelsey and I are now the proud owners of pink and purple duct tape for our feet, and we've got 4 miles with our names on it.


  1. so ummm i clicked on this post and was like i can handle this...nope almost peed my pants thanks for not showing that one to me.

  2. I got really really excited just from the name of your post today! I love love love this episode!!! There's a guy on campus who has a shirt that says "Don't blink, the angels have the tardis" Isn't that just fantastic! *Sigh* I love this show! In fact, I'm obsessed and addicted to it. I finished all 5 seasons in a couple months. I'm pathetic but that's ok. Anyway, I'll stop with my hyper rambling now; I just wanted to let you know how much I loved this post. :)
