
Day 89

Honey, I'm home!

Sorry for my unexplained leave of absence. I went on a serious two day adventure, assuming I'd have a minute somewhere to update my blog. 

My bad.

The good news is that it is spring break this week for the school at which I am currently employed. I anticipate oodles of time to catch my blog back up.

For now, I am quite tired. 

I will give you a quick preview of my journey, though.

It involved
engagement pictures,

sketchy Indian food,

my favorite 3 year old (and my glasses),

my favorite soon to be Elder,

and some snow. Because I was still in Utah.

I still feel guilty about abandoning you loyal masses, so here is a video that made me laugh. I do need to give a disclaimer that you might have to be in the right mood to think it is hilarious. It will also be helpful if you frequently have small children trying to tell you stories that are difficult to follow.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. oh my gosh I love kid history! Mr. Josh actually introduced me to them...he loves them too...episode four is my favorite :)
