
Day 99

Some reasons to be happy today:

There is supposed to be a thunderstorm rolling in tonight! I love a good thunder and lightning storm!

Less than three more weeks of classes!

Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine came on while I was driving home. I react to that song very similar to how this child does (From about 2:05 on is my favorite.):

I've got some lingering soreness in my muscles that tells me my body is getting stronger.

I just received a Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie in the mail from Netflix.

I re-discovered my body spray that smells like summer. It's called "Beach Party".

I had the opportunity to walk up and down the hill to class today, and I'm starting to see little green signs of spring.

Choose to be happy today!

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


  1. Logan gets really nice thunderstorms. I miss them. So you get a pretty storm... and Canada gets Armageddon of snow storms. Awesome. ;)

  2. Nice thunderstorms my eye, Stephanie! There is snow all over my freshly raked lawn!
