
Day 97

I missed a couple days recently, so this is me getting caught up.

I have previously mentioned Ben from bendoeslife.tumblr.com. This guy is truly my hero. He's lost over 120 pounds in just over a year. In that year he has also run marathons and is an Ironman. The guy is a total rockstar in my book. But, apparently even rockstars have days that bring them to posting this:

17 miles done. AKA: worst day of my life.

When I stepped out to start, I realized it was hot. Really hot.
The first 10 went by easily.
The next three sucked.
By 14 I wasn’t sure how or if I was going to finish, which was scary because it was an out-n-back, there wasn’t anything I could do except keep going. I had to get back to my car.
By mile 15 I was having to stop every 300 meters to lie on the ground because I would have fallen over if I hadn’t.
It was a mixture of heat sickness and not enough calories. I was taking in plenty of water.
At mile 16 I stopped for 20 minutes and fell asleep.
When I woke up I was scared and everything was bad. But I got up and walked, and settled back into my walk/lie down routine before making it to my car.
It was so bad that I didn’t even take a picture of myself. Yes… that bad.
When I got home I crashed. Hard.
Now I sit and I’m ravenous.
Most scattered unintelligible post ever? Yes, but whatever.

I've always called runners crazy. It just seemed stupid to inflict that kind of torture on yourself.

I think that I'm beginning to lose my mind, because I'm starting to understand. I'm ready to face the pain in order to gain the accomplishment that comes with it.

All the same, if I ever end up having to resort to a "walk/ lie down routine" and a 20 minute nap during my run, someone should tell me to take it easy for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. i love his blog! you introduced it to me and it is always great inspiration and a good laugh! thank you also for being so inspiring Steph! this is a huge undertaking and you are doing awesome! i hope to see you at the gym one of these days! i so need to go!
