
Day 125

I gained 2 stinkin' pounds this past week.

This did not please me.

I'm back on track today,though, and I've got a 5 miler tomorrow and then two 4 milers later on in the week, so I honestly don't expect this weight to hang on through tomorrow.

Still, I needed a pick-me-up. I tried on what 4 months ago was my favorite outfit, even though it was a bit too tight. Every time that I'd wash the shirt, I'd have to stretch it out before I could wear it. It was freshly washed when I tried it on this morning. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Slow and steady wins the race.

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Steph! Keep it up. You are looking amazing. After I have the baby and I'm in Logan, let's go running together, ok? You'll be a lot faster than me though.
