
Day 153

I am going to be spending this Thursday through Saturday hiking through the absolute middle of nowhere, while wearing a skirt, bloomers, and a bonnet.

That's correct, my friends, I am going on Trek.

Back in the 1800's, Mormon pioneers made their way across America on foot to settle in the Salt Lake valley. If you are unfamiliar with the basics of this story, go here to learn more details about the general story of the Mormon pioneers. Among the pioneers that made the journey West, were the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies. The full tragic story of their trek can be found here.

Members of the Latter-Day Saint community honor all of the pioneers, but specifically those who sacrificed so much in the barren part of Wyoming now known as Martin's Cove. Many members of our faith get groups together to literally follow in their footsteps. We dress the part of pioneers and pull handcarts along a portion of exact trail they traveled over 150 years ago.

Some may say that this sounds like an absolutely miserable idea. I can tell you that, first off, seeing as we d this in the summer, no one is risking death or serious injury. Secondly, my previous experience with Trek was one of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life.

Sadly, I was unable to dig up any pictures from the Trek I took 7 years ago, however I did stumble upon some other memorabilia.

As I held these items again, I was flooded with some amazing memories. 

Truly, Martin's Cove is hallowed ground. I cannot wait to return to it and pay respect to all of those people who gave their lives in search of a safe place to worship God as they believed.

"Cold historic facts mean nothing here, for they give no proper interpretation of the questions involved. Mistake to send the Handcart Company out so late in the season? Yes! But I was in that company and my wife was in it, and Sister Nellie Unthank whom you have cited here was there, too. We suffered beyond anything you can imagine and many died of exposure and starvation, but did you ever hear a survivor of that company utter a word of criticism? Every one of us came through with the absolute knowledge that God lives for we became acquainted with Him in our extremities!
I have pulled my handcart when I was so weak and weary from illness and lack of food that I could hardly put one foot ahead of the other. I have looked ahead and seen a patch of sand or a hill slope and I have said, I can go only that far and there I must give up for I cannot pull the load through it. I have gone to that sand and when I reached it, the cart began pushing me! I have looked back many times to see who was pushing my cart, but my eyes saw no one. I knew then that the Angels of God were thereWas I sorry that I chose to come by handcart? No! Neither then nor any minute of my life since. The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company.
Francis Webster - Survivor from the Martin Handcart Company

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